Keys Of Enoch
By: JJ Hurtak
Life Crystals & ATP-GTP
Chapter #315
"From the Teaching given on seven levels to be read and visualized
in preparation for the Brotherhood of Light
to be delivered for the quickening of the "People of Light.""
Keys of Enoch
Chapter #315
"Beware of Fallen Fields which circulate through cell energies of anti-universes.
They destroy evolution and defile the "HOLY BROTHERHOODS OF LIGHT"
which are the double bonding shells between universes.
The atomic and the subatomic fields are to be shared with
the Seraphim to the intent that MAN should continue with
They whose profits are not of LOVE will be known hence,
as Damned to Eternal Destruction, for the life force of the atomic field is LOVE"
Key 18: The basic transduction process for the human evolution is ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).The scale of its operation must be considered within the hydrogen matrix which is the pattern of structural organization in our immediate universe (85%) the ATP is a specialized energy adaptation for the human vehicle on his level of structural organization.
19: ATP Makes energy available for the functions of our biological system. High speed light energy particles interact with ATP will aid in the establishment of a new hydrogen matrix for three dimensional beings who will exist with new wavelengths of light.
20: Hence, a new ultrastructure will exist by means of a new overall relationship of light which will support the atomic nucleus, causing biophysical and bio chemical changes in the inner membrane structure(and a new hydrogen atomic relationship).
46: ATP is the key to the whole field of biological transduction, whereby light giving energy can be brought through from higher evolutionary sources.
47: ATP is the ideal model of the transceiver system, built into the human biological system, which allows man to attach the energy he is receiving in successive on formants with a pure unfoldment of light. ATP is one of the energy gradients which show us how we are basically a mechanistic molecular machine, which can adapt to other vehicle bodies of energy.
19: ATP Makes energy available for the functions of our biological system. High speed light energy particles interact with ATP will aid in the establishment of a new hydrogen matrix for three dimensional beings who will exist with new wavelengths of light.
20: Hence, a new ultrastructure will exist by means of a new overall relationship of light which will support the atomic nucleus, causing biophysical and bio chemical changes in the inner membrane structure(and a new hydrogen atomic relationship).
46: ATP is the key to the whole field of biological transduction, whereby light giving energy can be brought through from higher evolutionary sources.
47: ATP is the ideal model of the transceiver system, built into the human biological system, which allows man to attach the energy he is receiving in successive on formants with a pure unfoldment of light. ATP is one of the energy gradients which show us how we are basically a mechanistic molecular machine, which can adapt to other vehicle bodies of energy.
48: Man is the energy life vehicle needed to bring a unique unfoldment light into reality on this planet. He is an assembly of lifeforms on one level of radiance containing the divine image and the Adam Kadmon Image, as well as a vast network of microtubules and mitochondria.
49: Man is host for the host of the many worlds of intelligence. His very presence invite the small organic worlds of intelligence to move in and be at rest in the design that God made, which allows for the lowest parts of the earth to be woven according to the Myriad designs of the light.
49: Man is host for the host of the many worlds of intelligence. His very presence invite the small organic worlds of intelligence to move in and be at rest in the design that God made, which allows for the lowest parts of the earth to be woven according to the Myriad designs of the light.
50: Man is down here to adapt the mitochondria and amino acid functions into some thing that is functional within the great design of multi worlds. Mans' nuclei encode the outer membrane of each mitochondria and many of the enzymes attached to the cristae are synthesized through his biological design.
51: Thus even in this world there is a greater image space which determines the design of biological molecules, cellular differentiation, and the overall shape of living systems in the into relationship between the outer membrane, the inner membrane and the crystal membrane. Man himself is the repository of this image space as the unfoldment of the Adam Kadmon.
52: However, man must see himself going into body form, through a body form, and be on the body form to understand just how the light flow reprocesses every molecular and consciousness level.
53: According to Enoch, if ATP could not continually change with respect to the human vehicle, another model would be created, for the ATP model operates in space already designed for the human experience, and these space must connect with the lower, as well as the higher energy spaces of light.
54: ATP is the life antenna that receives the wave form that can collectively control the biological mechanisms, protein synthesis, and the nature of genetic coding simultaneously from several energy configurations of hydrolysis.
55: Therefore, Enoch gave me an additional explanation of this key but he called a secondary key. The secondary key deals with the tripartite energy transduction. The energy transduction is connected with a biological array which is like a biological transmission antenna.
52: However, man must see himself going into body form, through a body form, and be on the body form to understand just how the light flow reprocesses every molecular and consciousness level.
53: According to Enoch, if ATP could not continually change with respect to the human vehicle, another model would be created, for the ATP model operates in space already designed for the human experience, and these space must connect with the lower, as well as the higher energy spaces of light.
54: ATP is the life antenna that receives the wave form that can collectively control the biological mechanisms, protein synthesis, and the nature of genetic coding simultaneously from several energy configurations of hydrolysis.
55: Therefore, Enoch gave me an additional explanation of this key but he called a secondary key. The secondary key deals with the tripartite energy transduction. The energy transduction is connected with a biological array which is like a biological transmission antenna.
56: In fact, ATP contains a symmetry head upon a stock and a base, which gives a schematic on the order of a keyhole configuration or a Tesla magnifying transmission device.
57: We are part of an inner communication network which is within the inter-membrane, and yet is able to work with an outer spatial matrix a very large membrane structure which requires all the membranes, as basic building blocks, to register functions as a bio transducer subsystem.
58: This shows us, on the microbiological level, how the body is able to communicate as an antenna receiving light forms of consciousness energy from other spatial dimensions and converting those given forms of energy into its own bio energy.
59: When man is conscious of this then he can utilize his transduction to make use of the fourth state of matter where he actually uses himself as part of a living crystal communication system.
57: We are part of an inner communication network which is within the inter-membrane, and yet is able to work with an outer spatial matrix a very large membrane structure which requires all the membranes, as basic building blocks, to register functions as a bio transducer subsystem.
58: This shows us, on the microbiological level, how the body is able to communicate as an antenna receiving light forms of consciousness energy from other spatial dimensions and converting those given forms of energy into its own bio energy.
59: When man is conscious of this then he can utilize his transduction to make use of the fourth state of matter where he actually uses himself as part of a living crystal communication system.
60: There are certain bio transmission processes which are similar to the Tesla magnifying transmission process which uses the energy transduction of the planet.
61: According to Metatron, in the Takala Makan basin, Towers of crystals were used by the Lords of light who came down over 36,000 years ago. Man will discover that these Tesla like transmitter towers, are cylinder like resonators with pyramidal faces. These towers were resonators for the detection and amplification of the earths own sympathetic pulse which was used for transmission.
62: Metatron explained that the brotherhood of light came down in the Takla Makan Basin area to change the biological structure of a portion of the human race. Therefore, they also use their energize transducer systems to revolve man through membrane invagination by the use of these pyramidal crystalline forms which act as resonant receivers.
63: They used pyramid crystalline forms to upgrade evolution upon the planet so that man could have the ability to communicate with the other world intelligence.
64: Metatron showed me how the model of ATP was like the pyramidal crystalline used in the Takla Makan area for communication and energy transference with the higher evolution.
65: Men will discover, in the mysteries of the greatest archaeological finds, the key notion that the pyramid of form is necessary for adaptation to energy frequencies using wireless transmission to interface with other wavelengths of consciousness experience. From the various types of wavelengths man will understand and use the microwave sound communication system used by the brotherhood of light.
66: Thus, Metatron explain to me that the energy stations with in the Takla Makan basin were used for communication, as well as biological energy transduction which restructured the human biological system.
67: This energy transduction works through electron addition and subtraction, whereby the ATP adjust accordingly in the potential‘s of the electron charge in the system.
68: In this Key Metatron tells us that the restructuring of the human system is not only towards the wedding of structure and function within the human system, but in relationship to the wedding of light, structures themselves through high energy intermediates.
61: According to Metatron, in the Takala Makan basin, Towers of crystals were used by the Lords of light who came down over 36,000 years ago. Man will discover that these Tesla like transmitter towers, are cylinder like resonators with pyramidal faces. These towers were resonators for the detection and amplification of the earths own sympathetic pulse which was used for transmission.
62: Metatron explained that the brotherhood of light came down in the Takla Makan Basin area to change the biological structure of a portion of the human race. Therefore, they also use their energize transducer systems to revolve man through membrane invagination by the use of these pyramidal crystalline forms which act as resonant receivers.
63: They used pyramid crystalline forms to upgrade evolution upon the planet so that man could have the ability to communicate with the other world intelligence.
64: Metatron showed me how the model of ATP was like the pyramidal crystalline used in the Takla Makan area for communication and energy transference with the higher evolution.
65: Men will discover, in the mysteries of the greatest archaeological finds, the key notion that the pyramid of form is necessary for adaptation to energy frequencies using wireless transmission to interface with other wavelengths of consciousness experience. From the various types of wavelengths man will understand and use the microwave sound communication system used by the brotherhood of light.
66: Thus, Metatron explain to me that the energy stations with in the Takla Makan basin were used for communication, as well as biological energy transduction which restructured the human biological system.
67: This energy transduction works through electron addition and subtraction, whereby the ATP adjust accordingly in the potential‘s of the electron charge in the system.
68: In this Key Metatron tells us that the restructuring of the human system is not only towards the wedding of structure and function within the human system, but in relationship to the wedding of light, structures themselves through high energy intermediates.
69: Man must first exam and mitochondria given in categories of two kinds of membrane one and outer membrane and two an inner membrane. Metatron tells us that in the process of high energy intermediates there is a third membrane of Crystal which becomes the invagination of the inner membrane.
70: The crystal membrane is separate from the outer membrane but is in parallel phase with the outer membrane wall structure and is a necessary component for both the light life structure of the inner and outer membrane to operate as one unity.
71: Crystal invagination is more than the bonding link between the structure of the outer and inner membrane. In the parallel phase of given step functions, the crystal invagination is the key to the life process itself that is able to interconnect with other membrane circuits.
86: ATP can we reduce and change it’s direction through the repeated units of inner mitochondria membrane. The tripartite Model can be reduced to its base and be re-modeled and regenerated again into its antenna array.
91: More ever when we take the tripartite model and adapt it to experimental research with ATP, We will see how the tripartite energy reduction system works with ATP transduction in parallel phase.
92: Then we can ask the questions: Does this model re-energize life itself? If this is a true model ( i.e unlike those of the catastrophe topology and the discontinuous function) can it be run in reverse?.
90: The answers are given in the hydrolysis of ATP over generations of electron transfer just as the human race has been couple to repeating experiments carried on by the higher evolution.
94: When we use the electron transfer process, we can take this model and apply it to bio physics and make it into an adaptive model with a new bioengineering that will allow men to live in different planetary environments.
95: Our planetary biophysicist have been to restrictive in working with the chemical process which are not based on the higher possibility of what electron transfer does to the reversal of the chemical process(especially in osmotic work).
96: Although the details of molecular mechanism for coupling of electron transfer to a confirmational transition of energy may be very different from what they would be for the general ATP Hydrolysis, The basic principles must be those already generated in the larger model.
97: Therefore, just as the membrane picture is part of a large picture, the ATP energy model is part of a larger network of intelligence. If we can associate ourselves with the energy fields of a larger network, we can perhaps know how the models themselves are not models of closed energy systems, but are models which are transduction systems working together with the many systems of consciousness throughout our galaxy.
98: Thus, one obtains the process of reversible chemical engine that can be powered either by electron a transfer of a new energy source or through the transfer mechanism of ATP.
70: The crystal membrane is separate from the outer membrane but is in parallel phase with the outer membrane wall structure and is a necessary component for both the light life structure of the inner and outer membrane to operate as one unity.
71: Crystal invagination is more than the bonding link between the structure of the outer and inner membrane. In the parallel phase of given step functions, the crystal invagination is the key to the life process itself that is able to interconnect with other membrane circuits.
86: ATP can we reduce and change it’s direction through the repeated units of inner mitochondria membrane. The tripartite Model can be reduced to its base and be re-modeled and regenerated again into its antenna array.
91: More ever when we take the tripartite model and adapt it to experimental research with ATP, We will see how the tripartite energy reduction system works with ATP transduction in parallel phase.
92: Then we can ask the questions: Does this model re-energize life itself? If this is a true model ( i.e unlike those of the catastrophe topology and the discontinuous function) can it be run in reverse?.
90: The answers are given in the hydrolysis of ATP over generations of electron transfer just as the human race has been couple to repeating experiments carried on by the higher evolution.
94: When we use the electron transfer process, we can take this model and apply it to bio physics and make it into an adaptive model with a new bioengineering that will allow men to live in different planetary environments.
95: Our planetary biophysicist have been to restrictive in working with the chemical process which are not based on the higher possibility of what electron transfer does to the reversal of the chemical process(especially in osmotic work).
96: Although the details of molecular mechanism for coupling of electron transfer to a confirmational transition of energy may be very different from what they would be for the general ATP Hydrolysis, The basic principles must be those already generated in the larger model.
97: Therefore, just as the membrane picture is part of a large picture, the ATP energy model is part of a larger network of intelligence. If we can associate ourselves with the energy fields of a larger network, we can perhaps know how the models themselves are not models of closed energy systems, but are models which are transduction systems working together with the many systems of consciousness throughout our galaxy.
98: Thus, one obtains the process of reversible chemical engine that can be powered either by electron a transfer of a new energy source or through the transfer mechanism of ATP.
99: The key stress is that ATP is a model which will be used to enable a breakthrough to occur using a chemical base to convert energy turn electron base and vice versa.
100: Through this man can convert his biological substratum two different gravity states and understand inter-dimensional intelligence.
101: If the free energy drop for electron transfer is greater than the given ATP Chemical hydrolysis, the electron a transfer can drive the synthesis of ATP from Adenosine Diphosphate to Adenosine triphosphate.
102: If the free energy drop from the chemical hydrolysis is greater than the electrical, then the electrical electron transfer is reversed.
103: The overall direction of the reaction is determined by the thermodynamics and not kinetic factors.
104: If we can use the electron drop upon the water flow, we can see how star ionization works through every membrane state and that man is a thinking membrane between star fields; Not simply a thinking human, a thinking social machine, nor a thinking ideologist but a thinking membrane.
106: The key is suggesting that communication between the universe of the inner body and communication between the planetary bodies of transmission as possible through a human tripartite energy system.
107: And where electron coupling is stronger than chemical synthesis such as ATP hydrolysis, then we can move up in the chemical synthesis into step functions, from simple forms of phosphate to triphosphate.
108: In the environments where chemical synthesis takes place, if the chemical field is stronger than the electron drop, then we can reduce the energy or even reverse the process. This explains how higher universal intelligence can slow down and come into our chemical vibratory environment; and how, by an electron drop into our chemical orbit, they can speed up to go back into their normal phase.
109: This explains how a being of light becomes physical and how a physical man becomes a being of light.
110: Into the electrical and chemical double bonding, the father pours his spirit so that man can received the next image-space of the Christ body of light.
111: Enoch said that our local universe, known as our galaxy, is one large astro chemical computer of various crystal and phases of energy transfer. And through these processes of tripartite energy transduction, we can understand how man emerges out of a series of higher evolutionary forms to inherit the world of specific membrane relativity.
112: The key is telling us that evolution in reincarnation are part of a repeating cell unit process which is going on through different levels of energy gradients.
113: Some of these worlds are required that the Adamic image and cellular form repeat itself over several generations through meta-stable confirmations.
114: These metastable confirmations are continually relaxing and requiring rebirth, so that the membrane of man is regenerated over many generations until it is remade into the image of the higher evolution. That’s such a time, it is inseparable from the luminaries for it operates completely within the higher ordered structure of the end of the cycle of evolution in the name of righteousness.
115: The key, then, is given with the understanding that we are being directly reprogrammed at this time to go on in this shape, and that we do not have to go back to the meta- matter of eons ago and start over from nothing.
116: And this key is telling us that our membrane does not necessarily have to die according to the function of light as we know it, but it can be a part of a greater light energy process where we are energized by repeating units of light transduction within our bodies so that our body becomes an actual regenerating system for the living light.
122: When we understand that the tripartite energy transduction model gives us the biological mechanisms for proteins synthesis within the pyramidal field arrangement of an energy base, head, and stock as seen in the model of ATP, we can see that the integrity of life functions must be maintained if this process is to go on.
139: Metatron explain to me how the higher energy intermediates are, in actuality, life force is connected with the office of the Christ. These life forces , which are synthesis of the lifeforms of the outer universe produced by Metatron and the inner universal life forms produced by Uriel, show how the biochemical process can rebuild the body, cell by cell once the chemical elements are balanced within the projection of the living light.
100: Through this man can convert his biological substratum two different gravity states and understand inter-dimensional intelligence.
101: If the free energy drop for electron transfer is greater than the given ATP Chemical hydrolysis, the electron a transfer can drive the synthesis of ATP from Adenosine Diphosphate to Adenosine triphosphate.
102: If the free energy drop from the chemical hydrolysis is greater than the electrical, then the electrical electron transfer is reversed.
103: The overall direction of the reaction is determined by the thermodynamics and not kinetic factors.
104: If we can use the electron drop upon the water flow, we can see how star ionization works through every membrane state and that man is a thinking membrane between star fields; Not simply a thinking human, a thinking social machine, nor a thinking ideologist but a thinking membrane.
106: The key is suggesting that communication between the universe of the inner body and communication between the planetary bodies of transmission as possible through a human tripartite energy system.
107: And where electron coupling is stronger than chemical synthesis such as ATP hydrolysis, then we can move up in the chemical synthesis into step functions, from simple forms of phosphate to triphosphate.
108: In the environments where chemical synthesis takes place, if the chemical field is stronger than the electron drop, then we can reduce the energy or even reverse the process. This explains how higher universal intelligence can slow down and come into our chemical vibratory environment; and how, by an electron drop into our chemical orbit, they can speed up to go back into their normal phase.
109: This explains how a being of light becomes physical and how a physical man becomes a being of light.
110: Into the electrical and chemical double bonding, the father pours his spirit so that man can received the next image-space of the Christ body of light.
111: Enoch said that our local universe, known as our galaxy, is one large astro chemical computer of various crystal and phases of energy transfer. And through these processes of tripartite energy transduction, we can understand how man emerges out of a series of higher evolutionary forms to inherit the world of specific membrane relativity.
112: The key is telling us that evolution in reincarnation are part of a repeating cell unit process which is going on through different levels of energy gradients.
113: Some of these worlds are required that the Adamic image and cellular form repeat itself over several generations through meta-stable confirmations.
114: These metastable confirmations are continually relaxing and requiring rebirth, so that the membrane of man is regenerated over many generations until it is remade into the image of the higher evolution. That’s such a time, it is inseparable from the luminaries for it operates completely within the higher ordered structure of the end of the cycle of evolution in the name of righteousness.
115: The key, then, is given with the understanding that we are being directly reprogrammed at this time to go on in this shape, and that we do not have to go back to the meta- matter of eons ago and start over from nothing.
116: And this key is telling us that our membrane does not necessarily have to die according to the function of light as we know it, but it can be a part of a greater light energy process where we are energized by repeating units of light transduction within our bodies so that our body becomes an actual regenerating system for the living light.
122: When we understand that the tripartite energy transduction model gives us the biological mechanisms for proteins synthesis within the pyramidal field arrangement of an energy base, head, and stock as seen in the model of ATP, we can see that the integrity of life functions must be maintained if this process is to go on.
139: Metatron explain to me how the higher energy intermediates are, in actuality, life force is connected with the office of the Christ. These life forces , which are synthesis of the lifeforms of the outer universe produced by Metatron and the inner universal life forms produced by Uriel, show how the biochemical process can rebuild the body, cell by cell once the chemical elements are balanced within the projection of the living light.
The shroud of Turin testimony of Jesus Christs overcoming death/entropy being resurrected off the cross of matter and space and time returning to the fathers kingdom of eternal light. Christ said: You will do all that I have done and more.
Christ came to demonstrate to humanity our next step in the revolutionary process as children and cosmic citizens of eternity. We who from the fall have been trapped and crucified to the cross of matter(entrapped light) can be resurrected into our 5th dimensional Christ body of light to continue into eternity.
Dr. JJ Hurtak Video Mysteries of the Universe #5, The Shroud of Turin (13.30 min in)
140: This was demonstrated by Jesus when he balance the basic 32 chemical elements in his human body with the 33rd transformation of light known as the Lak Boymer.(This showed how his cellular chemical functions could be completely rebuilt into a Christ body of light over a 3. 1/2 day cycle compared to seven years to replace the body cells).
141: Metatron explain to me that this process is available to the righteous of this planet if they use the energy transduction model of the living light properly.
142: In essence, since the same ATP model that was in Jesus is in us, by the proper electron transfer through the light projections of the higher evolution, we can be delivered from the negative decay and entropy and quickened into bodies of regeneration and light.
143: Jesus came to reactivate the chemical blueprint of light in man and allow him to use this as an enabling function for a higher ultrastructure of light which is the Holy Spirit resonance of the eternal light.
144: In order for this to take place within the lower other material creations there must be consistency and balance within the body of belief.
145: The Holy Spirit provides the light transmission between the physical body and the Shekinah universe, so that the physical form can return to the presence of the father to take on a new appearance of divine form for the next world of light.
146: Here the ‘Shekinah’ must be understood as the presence of God upon the waters of creation coding the divine semi balance.
147: And the collective Christ child is now ready to come out of the room and inherit this eternal divine order forever and ever.
141: Metatron explain to me that this process is available to the righteous of this planet if they use the energy transduction model of the living light properly.
142: In essence, since the same ATP model that was in Jesus is in us, by the proper electron transfer through the light projections of the higher evolution, we can be delivered from the negative decay and entropy and quickened into bodies of regeneration and light.
143: Jesus came to reactivate the chemical blueprint of light in man and allow him to use this as an enabling function for a higher ultrastructure of light which is the Holy Spirit resonance of the eternal light.
144: In order for this to take place within the lower other material creations there must be consistency and balance within the body of belief.
145: The Holy Spirit provides the light transmission between the physical body and the Shekinah universe, so that the physical form can return to the presence of the father to take on a new appearance of divine form for the next world of light.
146: Here the ‘Shekinah’ must be understood as the presence of God upon the waters of creation coding the divine semi balance.
147: And the collective Christ child is now ready to come out of the room and inherit this eternal divine order forever and ever.
Pistis Sophia
By: JJ Hurtak
"I have said to all men, You should seek the mysteries of the light kingdom which will purify you and make you pure and lead you into the light." -- Matthew (7:7-8)
For the second time in book 4 a reference is near to the keys as the energy functions have a new physics to open the inter-dimensional doors through which the lower spectrums of light can be broken to allow the soul to escape. The keys break the seals of the body the chemical and bio plasmic bonds, and bestow a new vesture, otherwise what has been Sealed or set in motion will come to pass.
The keys of Christ empowerment break the lower seals of the soul and rebuild the body and blood into a light body that operates with divine at One-Ment by virtue of the higher image form. Through the work of these keys, the soul is given a genuine karmic release from the repetitious patterns of life within the realms of fate and once we are given the keys we should not stop at the door, but go through the door.
Jesus said: "And so for this reason, I have brought the keys of the mysteries into the world, that I may release the sinners who will have faith in me and will listen to me, so that I may release them from the bonds and the seals of the eons of the archons and bind them instead to the seals and the vestures orders of the light, so that those that I released from the bonds and seals of the eons and the archons in the world, will be released from the bonds and seals of the eons of the archons in the heights, and so that those that I bind to the seals and the garments and the orders of the lights in the world, will be bound to the orders of the inheritance of the light in the light land". Pistis Sophia
The seals are removed one by one and replaced with higher vibratory frequencies as the chakras begin to flow with the spiritual nourishment from the Gewiyyah body form. New seals and new registers replace the seals and vibrating fields of the lower rulers. The seals, the vibrational circuitry, work as a vortex that links us with those that replace the seals so that we receive their energies, their knowledge and their instruction. The new seals contain higher geometry‘s and a different word vibration, to seal the body or the soul to the various orders of light. Thus when the seven seals plus the eighth for the bio placement form and our mind-body are broken, they are replaced not with seals and bonds of fleshly entrapment, but with seals of pure light energy and garments which take us into the light land which is a super, super universe far beyond the galactic realms. The keys, thus, unlock the energy circuitry of the seals like the ATP Keyhole transduction system which has a direct relationship to the divine light. Even though our ATP system converts energy from chemical to the electrical and vice versa it reveals the models for the transfiguration of our nature into Supernatural.
For sinners, now, I have stretched myself this time and have brought them the mysteries, so that they may release them from the eons of the archons and bind them to the inheritance of the light, and not only the sinners, but also the righteous, so that I may give them the mysteries and that they may be taken into the light, for without the mysteries no one can be taken into the light. Because of this, now, I have not concealed it, but I have announced it clearly, and I have not set the sinners apart, But I have proclaimed it and said to all men, sinners and righteous alike, saying,
"Seek, that you will find; knock, that it may be opened for you; for whoever seeks in truth will find, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."
Yanni - “Aria” Ode to Humanity
Live At The Acropolis
For the second time in book 4 a reference is near to the keys as the energy functions have a new physics to open the inter-dimensional doors through which the lower spectrums of light can be broken to allow the soul to escape. The keys break the seals of the body the chemical and bio plasmic bonds, and bestow a new vesture, otherwise what has been Sealed or set in motion will come to pass.
The keys of Christ empowerment break the lower seals of the soul and rebuild the body and blood into a light body that operates with divine at One-Ment by virtue of the higher image form. Through the work of these keys, the soul is given a genuine karmic release from the repetitious patterns of life within the realms of fate and once we are given the keys we should not stop at the door, but go through the door.
Jesus said: "And so for this reason, I have brought the keys of the mysteries into the world, that I may release the sinners who will have faith in me and will listen to me, so that I may release them from the bonds and the seals of the eons of the archons and bind them instead to the seals and the vestures orders of the light, so that those that I released from the bonds and seals of the eons and the archons in the world, will be released from the bonds and seals of the eons of the archons in the heights, and so that those that I bind to the seals and the garments and the orders of the lights in the world, will be bound to the orders of the inheritance of the light in the light land". Pistis Sophia
The seals are removed one by one and replaced with higher vibratory frequencies as the chakras begin to flow with the spiritual nourishment from the Gewiyyah body form. New seals and new registers replace the seals and vibrating fields of the lower rulers. The seals, the vibrational circuitry, work as a vortex that links us with those that replace the seals so that we receive their energies, their knowledge and their instruction. The new seals contain higher geometry‘s and a different word vibration, to seal the body or the soul to the various orders of light. Thus when the seven seals plus the eighth for the bio placement form and our mind-body are broken, they are replaced not with seals and bonds of fleshly entrapment, but with seals of pure light energy and garments which take us into the light land which is a super, super universe far beyond the galactic realms. The keys, thus, unlock the energy circuitry of the seals like the ATP Keyhole transduction system which has a direct relationship to the divine light. Even though our ATP system converts energy from chemical to the electrical and vice versa it reveals the models for the transfiguration of our nature into Supernatural.
For sinners, now, I have stretched myself this time and have brought them the mysteries, so that they may release them from the eons of the archons and bind them to the inheritance of the light, and not only the sinners, but also the righteous, so that I may give them the mysteries and that they may be taken into the light, for without the mysteries no one can be taken into the light. Because of this, now, I have not concealed it, but I have announced it clearly, and I have not set the sinners apart, But I have proclaimed it and said to all men, sinners and righteous alike, saying,
"Seek, that you will find; knock, that it may be opened for you; for whoever seeks in truth will find, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."
Yanni - “Aria” Ode to Humanity
Live At The Acropolis